Saturday, December 26, 2009

My new web site.

I have finally finished my new website. It has a better video player and info on the short that I am currently working on. Please head over to and check it out.

Info on Short Stories is here.

I'm also working on a Facebook page for it.

So give it a look and tell me what you think.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I Finally Finalized the Short

It took me a while to figure out exactly what I wanted to do with me short script. The corn on the cob story just didn't work with the rest of the story. If you are one of the few who haven't read it, then you aren't missing much. I think it was funny but it was a little vulgar and out of context.

So I took a scene that I randomly wrote a couple weeks ago and swapped it out. It's a little commentary on the shortfalls of waiting until your wedding night to have sex with your wife. It is certainly not saying go be a slut. Just, if you love someone and know that you are in it for the long haul, having sex with that person is not a bad thing. In fact, it might be better to get that first time out of the way, especially if you've never had sex with anyone else.

So I'll let you read it and tell me what you think. Go here to find it.

I finally found an artist to draw the comic I need for my pitch. I will use it to show people what I want my short to look like. While that is getting worked on I will be turning my website into a flash site, making a "donation page" with paypal account, starting a group on Facebook, and getting all of the pre-production ready. So hopefully as soon as the comic is done I can go beg for money from everyone I have ever met.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Voices is finally done!!!

After many a hurdle and many a jump, it is finally done. A big thanks to Keith, Jordan, SuzieQ and Roy. It was a ton of fun to shoot and edit. I haven't done anything like this in quite a while.

Now that this is done, I am gearing up towards funding my next short, Stories, and animating a three episode flash series called Afterware. There is info on both of them up on my website As I get more done I will put more up.

Well, if you don't feel like looking for it on YouTube, here it is...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First Real Post!!!

Jordan and I went into Toy Joy after eating my birthday dinner at Korean Gardens. I decided go because Jordan had bought me some toys from there and I wanted to see what else they had. While talking to one of the employees, she said they were hiring and were accepting "creative applications." She said that other people had brought in stuff like a pizza with "Toy Joy" written on it.

But I decided to make a toy. Makes sense right. So I took one of my character designs and made a header card with a Resume on the inside. Here are the two sides to the header card...

Here's the toy outside of the packaging...

Here's it with the bag and header...

When I took it in they said it was the coolest one that they had ever seen.

Go ahead and follow my blog, I should be posting regularly.