Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two New Web Series!

I am currently writing two new web series. Each is six episodes long and averages about 4 to 5 minutes long. My friend Roy and I are going to make them so that we can get a decent demo reel going.

One is about two guys using the Zombie Survival Guide to prepare for the coming zombie apocalypse. I know this doesn't sound funny but I think it is. Unfortunately it is not ready for public reading yet. I have not finished the first draft of these yet.

However I do have the other one ready. It is about two friends with mediocre abilities trying to make their mark in a world full of Super Heros. This one was a bit easier to write for some reason and I really like how it turned out. Please read it and let me know what you think. What was or wasn't funny? What parts did you like and dislike? Did it make any sense?

Please take the time to read it. It's only 28 pages long and I would really appreciate it.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Comic Book Preview

So Tessa emailed me the character designs and first page of the comic she is drawing for me. I think that they look awesome. The first page of the comic just shows a push in to the front door. The theme song for Golden Girls will be playing in the background.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Things are moving along...

I just realized today that I have gotten a ton of crap done considering how busy I've been with the holidays and Brother Beswick (my brother in-law) visiting us last weekend. "Short Stories" in currently in a holding pattern. I have everything except the comic book done and ready to go looking for money. Tessa Morrison is doing the comic book for me. She showed me some of the character sketches last week and they look amazing. I can't wait to clean up the pages, add the text, a little color, and print that bad boy out. It is going to be glorious.

My website is up to date and working. Just make sure you have the latest version of your web browser as it uses .png files.

And lastly, I am actually kicking butt on the scripts for the first couple episodes of "Afterware." I think that they are turning out to be pretty funny.

I'll post the scripts and scans of Tessa's awesome drawings later on in the week.